
Gynaecology & Obstetrics

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Gynaecology And Obstetrics

At Galaxy Hospital, we understand the unique healthcare needs of women throughout every stage of life. Our dedicated team of the best gynaecologist in Mapusa, Goa and obstetrics doctors in Goa provides compassionate, personalized care, ensuring you feel informed, supported, and empowered when it comes to your well-being.

At the outpatient level, Galaxy Hospital offers comprehensive routine antenatal screenings, gynecologist check-ups, and cancer screening procedures such as Pap smears and sonography.

Our 24-hour casualty department is equipped to handle any emergency in the field of obstetrics and gynaecology, ensuring round-the-clock care for our patients.

Experienced Expertise: Our team of highly skilled gynaecologist in Mapusa specializes in a wide range of women’s health issues, providing personalized care and the latest medical treatments including:


  • A spacious, well equipped, state of the art labour suit with a baby friendly environment is all set to receive the baby in this new world.
  • In case a vaccum /forceps delivery is needed the expertise and facilities available make it an easy procedure.
  • An emergency or even on urgent caesarian if needed, is done with no time gap with the labour room being housed just adjacent to the operation theatre complex.
  • Labour analgesia (pain relief during labour) is routinely given and on demand epidural labour analgesia is offered at reasonable cost with the help of our team of anesthetists.



  • Operative Procedures offered
    • Minors – D & C
    • Polyp removal
    • Biopsies
  • Major Operative Procedures
    • Abdominal Hysterectomy
    • Vaginal Hysterectomy
    • Laparotomy for ovarian cyst / tumor / Endometriosis / Ectopic pregnancy etc.
  • Endoscopic procedures
    • Hysteroscopy
    • Laparoscopy
  • Repair operations for uterovaginal prolapse or deficient perineum Infertility
    • Tubal recanalization / reconstruction
    • Diagnostic and operative Hysterolaparoscopy
  • Family Planning
    • Open or Laparoscopic tubal sterilization
    • Other family planning methods like Copper T etc.

High-Risk Pregnancy Care: Our obstetricians offer specialized care for women with complex pregnancies, ensuring the safety and well-being of both mother and baby.